Tuesday 12 August 2014


Hi everyone!

This will be a blog about my travel experiences, food experiences and etc.
After planning my first non-parent holiday this year, I realised I am quite a compulsive holiday planner thus I figured it would be good to put down my itinerary and travel experiences to share with everyone!
I'm also an avid food photographer. ABSOLUTELY INSANE, but I always take pictures of my food. I'll share with you food recommendations, as well as recipes which I pick up.

A little bit of information about myself:
I'm a Singaporean girl studying to be a teacher in Perth. I know you Singaporeans are thinking: why not choose NIE? Well, for one, I didn't score well enough in my A levels. The consequences of not studying hard. Nevertheless, I do know what I want, and what I have to do to get there. So this is me heading for my goal. Since Perth is relatively boring, we do pick up hobbies here. Cooking and being a foodie is one of them. I'm currently trying to pick up Korean (with occasional success and difficulty) because I am really into the Korean culture (no kpop mind you I'm not one of those teen-crazed girls getting too old for that) and it will be good prep for my year-end solo holiday.

Let's begin!

Fly Safe and Eat Happy,

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