Hey there! The holidays are here (for me at least)! That means its time for blogging catch-up (and more holidays) =)
I'm going to begin with my Taiwan 2014 travel itinerary with my family that we did back in December 2014. It is winter during December in Taiwan, but not a crazy kind with snow and hail, just strong chilly-winds, or fogs (in Taichung). Nevertheless, the weather was perfect for snacking on the amazing street food all over Taiwan which has been voted the top foodie haven this year mind you. I absolutely love Taiwan and would come back every year if I grew a money tree in my backyard. The world however is not so perfect and the soil conditions in my backyard here in Perth are only suitable for weeds and onions.
We took the scoot flight to Taipei, with a UOB card promotion for 1-for-1 tickets. My family of 5 plus my sister's bf (who is soon to be family too so our family of 6!) met at the airport the night prior as we were taking a midnight flight to Taipei.
The itinerary booklet which i printed for everyone! |
Me and ma bro =) |
Everyone's ready to go in and embark on an awesome adventure! |
TOURIST TIPS: If you're taking Scoot, look out for Morning Glory Tuesday Sales - that means getting up early to buy your tickets. HOWEVER there are better sale prices on special occasions rather than Morning Glory Tuesdays so don't be too hasty in purchasing your tickets. Do your research using websites such as skyscanner and such - and don't forget to clear your cache after every search. Airlines use a tracking system with your IP address to track your searches and increase the prices with every search on airlines and locations you make. |
Totally exciteddddd!!! |
Our arrival in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Just for you guys out there! I was a total cheapo and decided to take the cheaper flight which departs Singapore at midnight and arrives in Taiwan at 6am or so. While it is cheaper, I must admit that the flight timing is terrible as there is nothing much to do upon arrival, and if you hang around to wait for the telecom companies to open at 8am, it is a rather torturous wait. Not to mention, you and your travel companions will be dead tired by noon-time so you spend your afternoon sleeping in the hotel upon check-in to regain your energy. Weigh your options and decide which flight timings would suit you better. |
The brother and sister feasting on convenience store grub in Taoyuan International Airport while we waited for the telecom companies to open so that we could buy some SIM cards. |
My must-drink Milk Tea/Coffee series in Taiwan - the packaging is just so elegant and most of the drinks are pretty good. Guava Juice too - I highly recommend it! |
Head to the basement area to board the airport buses that head out of the airport to Taipei - check on the airport website which buses you should take, or check on the TV screens in the basement area which bus is suitable for you. There are various bus companies operating the routes - so if you speak Mandarin you can ask the staff at the counter for help. Otherwise do your research beforehand so that you won't be lost before you even begin your trip.
I recommend buying the tickets at the Kuo Kuang Counter at the Express Buses Station located in
TaoYuan Airport basement (NTD125 = SGD5.40)
Seated in the bus and waiting to head over to Taipei - a good time to sleep! =) |
Arrival at Taipei Main Station upon alighting from the bus. The trip takes about an hour or so and is filled with tourists and locals just waiting to alight at Taipei Main Station so don't be afraid about missing your stop. |
I will continue the next post with Part 2 of Day 1 where we explored Yongkang Street and Shihlin Night market =) YUMMY FOOD PICTURES APPROACHING ALERT!
Till then,
Fly Safe and Eat Happy,
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